Mansi Borole

New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Β·

Mansi Borole

New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Β·


Welcome!πŸ‘‹ I'm a Computer Science Graduate Student at Rutgers and currently working as a Software Development Intern at Michigan Health Information Networks. πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“

A data enthusiast and who loves to build business driven solutions. With a background in Big Data Engineering and Infrastructure Management, my expertise primarily lies in Python, SQL, AWS and Data Visualization. πŸ€“

Currently, I'm exploring pythonic ways to improve code quality and writing my own unit tests πŸ˜‰


Michigan Health Information Networks (MiHIN)

Software Development Engineer Intern
May 2023 - Present
May 2023 - Present


Software Engineer (Big Data)
July 2019 - August 2022
  • Provisioned Cloudera Hadoop clusters (HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, Hive, Oozie, Zookeeper, Solr) on-premise for production and disaster recovery in the UK and HK datacenters.
  • Built "BigData360", a real-time alerting, monitoring system and designed dashboards for 80+ Hadoop dev and prod clusters using Grafana and Prometheus by collecting metrics from Cloudera APIs and Node Exporters.
  • Generated monthly cost reports to support Big Data Capacity Planning and forecasting demand. Built a self-serving data cataloging tool to analyze tenant usage metrics and trends in real time using NiFi, MySQL and groovy saving ~150 workhours. 
  • Virtualized control nodes by migrating critical Hadoop Master services (NameNodes, YARN, Solr, Zookeeper, Hive) from on-premise servers to ESXi virtual machines to enhance cluster efficiency. Achieved cost avoidance of $700k on buying new expensive servers while saving 400 work hours in maintenance upgrades. 
  • Developed ETL pipelines and scripts in python to archive cold data. Set up HDFS Erasure coding policies to achieve savings of 50% in total storage space.
  • Created automation using Ansible playbooks to streamline the provisioning of RedHat servers with Cloudera(CDP) Hadoop capabilities.
  • Mentored and onboarded new SWEs. Conducted knowledge sharing sessions with my team.
July 2019 - August 2022

Part time Web Designer

  • Managing wordpress/drupal webpages for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering @ Rutgers
  • Designed and developed websites for client’s businesses using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Wordpress.
  • Work sample ,
July 2018 - Present


Rutgers University - New Brunswick

Masters of Science, Computer Science
Massive Data Analytics , Machine Learning

GPA: 3.91 / 4.0

August 2022 - May 2024

University of Pune, India

Bachlors of Engineering, Computer Science
Coursework: Data Structures, Database Management, Distributed Computing

CGPA: 8.61 / 10

Publication: A "Survey on Blockchain for Enabling Transparency in transactions of Government Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT)" >> DOI:10.5120/IJCA2019918637

June 2015 - June 2019

Technical Skills

Tech Stack
  • Programming Proficiency: Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Shell Scripting, YAML
  • Cloud & Databases platforms PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, AWS (S3, EC2, Lambda, RDS, API Gateway, CloudFormation)
  • Big Data Hadoop: HDFS, Apache Spark, Pyspark, Apache Airflow, Scoop, ETL, Enterprise Data Ingestion and Warehousing
  • Tools & Frameworks: Git, Serverless, Boto, Node.js, React, Pytest, Tableau, Grafana, Microsoft Suite, JIRA, Agile, CI/CD
  • Data Visualization: Tableau, Grafana, QlikSense
  • Test-driven developement(TDD), Backend development, REST APIs, Microservices, Serverless application developement
  • Hadoop Administration, DevOps SRE, Big Data Engineering and Capcity Management


A few academic and self developed projects


Apache Airflow: Data Ingestion

Real-time data ingestion pipeline using Apache Airflow

Set up Airflow and SQLite database using Docker. Use Python airflow library to write a DAG to transform & load data from a csv to a Sqlite table in real time

Apache Airflow Docker Compose SQLite DAGs Python



Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP

MERN stack app for synchronized movie playback. Stress tested this app to study buffering rate, bitrate, latency metrics.

DASH Video player AWS S3 AWS EC2 Cloudfront Selenium


Groceries Recommendation System Evaluation

Amazon's Grocery and Gourmet Foods dataset

Designed Groceries Recommendation Systems using collaborative filtering techniques - Matrix Factorization, Slope One, and SVD.

Collaborative Filtering Exploratoy data Analysis RecSys Data Preparation Modelling

Tableau portfolio

Tableau Portfolio

Analyse trends, make predictions, tell a story!

Credit Card Complaints Trends, Netflix Movies analysis, Salary Insights in NY State showcasing Trend predictions, Density maps, Scatter Plots, Timeseries.

Trend predictions Density maps Scatter Plots Timeseries Butterfly charts

AirBnb Price predictor

AirBnb Price Predictor

Exploratoy Data Analysis, Data Modeling

The prediction exercise here provides a method to predict prices for properties around the same area with similar conditions.

linear regression XGBoost Scatter Plots Timeseries Butterfly charts


Web Portfolio

Checkout my source code for this portfolio!


Certifications & Awards Credly

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate

Amazon Web Services

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Amazon Web Services

Certified Associate in Python Programming

Python Institute

HSBC Awards

Group Data Engineering

HSBC Awards

Group Data Engineering

Tableau Desktop Specialist

Data Visualization

Statstics with Python

University of Michigan

Interests 😻

I like reading, anime, marathons, digital art, and cats.πŸ€“ 😎

I'm always on the lookout for the next marathon around the town πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

marathon bibs

Here are some of my favorite movies and quotes : 🎞️

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it" - Master Oogway 🐼

Even the most unlikely hero can overcome past struggles and become a kung fu master with the help of loved ones. It inspires us to strive to be the ultimate version of ourselves and to find inner peace in order to achieve success.🌱

β€œThere is nowhere you could go that I won’t be with you.” – Gramma Tala (Moana) 🌊

When it comes to leadership and family, I found Moana to be a terrific inspiration. The movie shows how one can overcome fears through family and cultural heritage, and how leadership is not about power but about responsibility and service to others. 🌞


Let's Get In Touch!

Come say Hi! I'm always happy to hear feedback. And hey, who doesn't like free movie/book recommendations?

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